The Occlusion Masterclass 2023
by Dr Ash Parmar and Dr. Robert Kerstein is now LIVE!
Hi everyone
Occlusion is such a fundamental part of dentistry but is one area that is largely misunderstood, leading to unnecessary problems and stress
Dr Robert Kerstein is a world leader in occlusion training. As a prosthodontist based in Boston, USA, he has a particular interest in the T-Scan digital occlusal analysis system, has published nearly 90 papers on the subject and has some very valuable insights to share
I am delighted to announce that Dr Kerstein and I will be lecturing together at QMUL in London on Saturday 28th October 2023. We will be covering traditional occlusion techniques as well as the T-Scan and I will share with you some of the many cases that I have completed over my career and how I ensure that I leave my patients well balanced and happy, virtually illiminating breakages and issues down the line. These cases include composite bonding, porcelain veneers, Implant cases, wear cases and complex smile makeovers
Join us for this content packed one day Occlusion Masterclass and let us demystify occlusion and help you feel confident that you understand how to effectively check and adjust occlusion
I hope to see you there,
Who is this masterclass suitable for:
Every dentist! Whether private or NHS, GDP or specialist, occlusion is an important part of dentistry that is often poorly understood. Whether you have been qualified for a year or for decades you will learn practical tips to take away and apply in practice
Also suitable for keen final year students
£398 + VAT
This course will be held at Queen Mary University, London, in the Peston Lecture Theatre.
Mile End Campus (Close to Mile End and Stepney Green tube stations)
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
E1 4NS
This will be an intensive day course from 09:00 - 17:30 on Saturday 28th October 2023
The course is inclusive of refreshments and lunch
This course will entitle you to 7 hours CPD on completion of our evaluation form
We hope to see you there!